Please come join me on 7/8 in NJ: "TV genealogist talks about family secrets, #genealogy"
TV genealogist talks about family secrets, genealogy @ TR « OCL Press Releases
Where Brian and I were yesterday - was so much fun to watch!
Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak's posterous - Home
With a name like Megan Smolenyak(2), I can relate to this! "What's in a name?"
What's in a name
Oh, no - this is so tempting because I have Ballymoney roots, but I'm already going to Ireland in Aug
Untitled Document
A moving tribute to uncles - and one in particular
A beloved uncle’s passing leads to thoughts of the important role such relatives can play
Pls vote re: possible FDA regulation of #DNA tests. I agree w/options 1 & 2, but went with #2
Science Poll | Twiigs
Thx for the shout-out & photo, Joan! "More #Genealogy Nuggets -Jamboree"
More Genealogy Nuggets -Jamboree Jogging 2010 - Part 3 | Luxegen Genealogy and Family History
Thanks so much, Elyse! Was so delighted to get to meet you!
Jamboree: Day Two (Saturday) | Elyse's Genealogy Blog - StumbleUpon
Joan Jett part-Irish; family tree sports "a ton of Duffys"
Year of the Jett - The Irish Times - Fri, Jun 18, 2010
TV genealogist talks about family secrets, genealogy @ TR « OCL Press Releases
Where Brian and I were yesterday - was so much fun to watch!
Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak's posterous - Home
With a name like Megan Smolenyak(2), I can relate to this! "What's in a name?"
What's in a name
Oh, no - this is so tempting because I have Ballymoney roots, but I'm already going to Ireland in Aug
Untitled Document
A moving tribute to uncles - and one in particular
A beloved uncle’s passing leads to thoughts of the important role such relatives can play
Pls vote re: possible FDA regulation of #DNA tests. I agree w/options 1 & 2, but went with #2
Science Poll | Twiigs
Thx for the shout-out & photo, Joan! "More #Genealogy Nuggets -Jamboree"
More Genealogy Nuggets -Jamboree Jogging 2010 - Part 3 | Luxegen Genealogy and Family History
Thanks so much, Elyse! Was so delighted to get to meet you!
Jamboree: Day Two (Saturday) | Elyse's Genealogy Blog - StumbleUpon
Joan Jett part-Irish; family tree sports "a ton of Duffys"
Year of the Jett - The Irish Times - Fri, Jun 18, 2010
Thanks for the mention here! It was a delight to attend your seminars and to meet you in person.
Posted by: Joan Miller (Luxegen) | June 26, 2010 at 12:44 AM